Bombimi Cave dive planner

Bombimi Cave dive planner

Mobile and desktop application for helping to plan dives in the Tank cave system in South Australia.

This must all be verified against the official map prior to diving

Tank cave, located in Gambia, South Australia, is one of the largest underwater cave system to be discovered in Australia so far. It is a complex system with a number of main passages and interlinking smaller passages and sections. Careful planning within the system is absolutely vital as it is easy to get lost far from the exit point which would be unfavourable in that you would die. To help with this I put have written a specialised application that will help plot your route through the system and give you a route plan, tell you how many cookies and jumps are required and approximate distance. It will also let you specify cylinders in use and help verify your gas plan will work for a dive.


Bombimi Cave is currently available on iPhone, Android and Windows.

Windows version

IPhone version

Android version


Bombimi Cave is designed to help you plan safe dives in caves and make sure you can achieve your objective. It currently is heavily focused on Tank Cave in South Australia with limited support for other caves. For Tank Cave it represents the best known current state of the line in the system and differs from the official map but is more accurate thanks to numerous contributors. If you find any discrepancies please contact me so I can update it.

Planning your route

To start navigation select a tag in the site, this will normally be the entrance and you will then have navigation options highlighted on the map. Select you next tag and do this progressively to build your route. By default the route is a penetration dive in that your will dive to a specific location and return along the same route. This means you only have to plan to your deepest penetration and it will automatically account for the return journey see plan type.


Sac rateYour surface air consumption rate. Be conservative
Swim speedYour casual swim speed. Be conservative
Jump speedHow long to tie a jump reel in
Stage strategyEither thirds or half + fifteen. If you don’t know what this means get training.

Plan Types

PenetrationDive to a specific place in the cave and return along the same route
CircuitEnter and exit in the same location but without returning along the same route
TraverseEnter in one location and exit in another place


You can add your open circuit back gas and stage cylinders and the pressure that they are at for a specific dive. It will then help ensure you have enough gas for you plan. If it is not sufficient the Gas available will show in red, otherwise in green. In the Dive plan section you will see the pressures to either drop the stage or turn the dive. These are obviously just estimates and on the actual dive you must adjust your plan accordingly.


The section display stats about your current dive plan

DistanceTotal distance in meters of the dive
JumpsNumber of jump reels required
CookiesNumber of cookies required
Swim timeApproximate time to complete the dive
Gas usedApproximate number of litres of gas used on the dive
Gas requiredThe minimum number of litres of gas required to complete the dive
Gas availableTotal gas available in back and stage cylinders
Time @ DestHow long you have at the maximum penetration with the current cylinder configuration

Other survey

Open the main menu and select Open map.

Tank cave schematics as PDF’s

The booklet is suitable for printing on waterproof paper and carrying with you on a dive. Terraslate does paper suitable for this

A3 Tank Cave poster

A5 Tank Cave booklet

⚠ WARNING: Cave diving is dangerous, using this information incorrectly may end up with you dead.