Cooljigate app

Cooljigate app

Python application to conjugate russian verbs

The code is in github here and you can see the instructions to use here

Cooljigator is great site for getting conjugations but can be a little cumbersome when adding many verbs. My normal flow when adding a new verb is

  1. Add imperfective and perfective forms on a single card
  2. Add conjugations on the card as well
  3. Add audio for at least the infinitives
  4. Add a couple of pictures where it makes sense

The second part is where this comes in. You can just run python <verb> and it will output both aspects of that verb and the conjugations which saves a few minutes creating the Anki card.

>python читать

to read (imp, perf)
читать / прочитать

я читаю / прочитаю
ты читаешь / прочитаешь
он/она читает / прочитает
они читают / прочитают
он читал / прочитал
она читала / прочитала
читай / прочитай

There are some other command line options to tweak the output. Run python cooljigate -h to see them all.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -c, --conditionals    Include conditional tenses
  -p POSTFIX, --postfix POSTFIX
                        Additional text to add to the postfix section
  -s, --add_postfix     Print the english postfix section before the verb conjugation
  -u, --uni             Verb is a unidirectional verb
  -r, --header          Print header containing english and russian verbs
  -m, --multi           Verb is a multidirectional verb
  -v, --include-verb    Include the verb in the output
  -w, --write           Write the output to disk using an automatically generated name
  -t, --short           Only output 1st, 2nd and 3rd person forms
  -o, --only_verb       Only output the verb and not the other aspect as well
  -d, --markdown        Output markdown