Russian transitive verbs

Russian transitive verbs

Russian transitive verbs

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A transitive verb needs to transfer its action to something or someone. In essence, transitive means to affect something else.


Intransitive verbs require the genitive case, a preposition, or none at all it will depend on the verb. Transitive verbs need some care and all the situations are listed below.

 AlwaysGenitive (or preposition)
 Object is abstractGenitive
 Object has some degree of uncertaintyGenitive
 Object is part of a large wholeGenitive
 You are using negationGenitive
 None of the aboveAccusative

What is a transient verb?

Verbs can be either only transient, only intransient or can be use as either. Transitive verbs by definition take a direct object and intransitive verbs do not. That is to say, transiant verbs have an object on which they act or which they transform. For any given verb you will need to check how it can be used.

  • Intransitive verbs are 2-3 times more common than transient verbs in russian.
  • All russian transitive verbs have intransitive counterparts (commonly using the reflexive ся, i.e. мыть / мыться ).
    • Мартин пошёл мыть руки (Transitive: Martin went to wash his hands)
    • Мартин решил, что пора мыться (Intransitive: Martin decided that is was time to wash)

Transitive verbs

Some examples of transient verbs are

  • Читать (to read)
  • Бить (to beat)
  • Любить (to love)
  • не любить (to not love)
  • недолюбливать (to dislike)
  • налить (to pour)
  • Хотеть (to want)
  • Ждать (to wait)

Example usage

Налейте мне красного вина | Pour me some red wine

  • You only want a part of the bottle of wine therefore genitive

Я купиль вино | I bought a bottle of wine

  • You bought an entire bottle wine therefore accusative

Я не купиль вина | I did not buy a bottle of wine

  • You didn’t buy so using negation therefore genitive

Я жду мира

  • I am waiting for peace, abstract therefore genative

Я жду мир в Украине

  • I am waiting for peace in Ukraine, specfic therefore accusative

Intransitive verb

Most verbs of motion are intransitive, they have no object on which they act or which they transform.

Some examples of intransient verbs are

  • Ехать (to go)
  • идти (to go)
  • сидеть (to sit)

What is a direct object

By example, a direct object is :

Я купил яблоку - (I bought an apple)

яблоку is the direct object so therefore купил (купить) is a transitive verb.