Russian swearing

Russian swearing

Dictionary of Russian swearing and abuse

For all your swearing needs visit the website at

Russian has a rich vocabulary and history of swearing but it can be hard to find any information at all on the subject beyond some basic words. Many teachers and resources proclaim swearing to be too rude to detail and suggest that it is very uncommon and as a student you should not be learning about it. This is untrue on all levels. Many films and books, as well as casual conversations with russian speakers young and old, will use a seemingly endless variety of swearing and without knowledge of it you can easily become lost in real world conversations.

That said, you want to be very careful employing any of the words of phrases in this dictionary. Within Russia it can be a criminal act to use them in public and with individual people you want to avoid them in general unless the audience you are talking with uses them. Use with care and swear with feeling.